Archive for the ‘Arctica: The Vanishing North’ Category

Sebastian’s latest book is available for PRE-ORDER!

September 5, 2022 6:27am
Sebastian Copeland’s Polar Explorations

For Sebastian’s Latest Activities, Also Check His Other Sites!

June 2, 2019 8:08am


Hello! If have landed on this site looking for Sebastian’s historical expedition activities, you are in the right place.

If, however, you are surprised by the date of the latest blog and are looking for more current information, you may want to visit one of these additional sites:

The Last Great March details Sebastian and Mark’s crossing of the Simpson desert in 2016 and failed attempt at the North Pole in 2017

Sebastian Copeland Fine Art details Sebastian’s photographic activities and currently features his major public exhibition in Paris on the gates of the Luxembourg building.

Thanks for your interest!


Si vous visitez ce site en espérant trouver des informations sur les aventures de Sebastian, vous êtes à la bonne adresse!

Cependant, si vous êtes surpris(e) par la date des derniers blogs, et vous cherchez des informations plus récentes, vous pouvez visiter les sites suivants:

The Last Great March couvre la traversée du desert du Simpson en Australie en 2016 ainsi que la tentative frustrée pour le pôle nord sans support.

Sebastian Copeland Fine Art est les site dédié aux activités photographique de Sebastian est figure son exposition importante sur les grilles des jardins du Luxembourg à Paris.

Merci de votre soutien!


Los Angeles Book Launch Event for Arctica: The Vanishing North

October 31, 2015 8:19pm

Book Launch Event in Los Angeles to Celebrate the Release of Sebastian’s New Book

October 29, 2015 — Los Angeles, California

The Four Seasons Hotel in Beverly Hills was host to the Los Angeles launch of Sebastian’s new book Arctica: The Vanishing North. With a mix of environmental personality and celebrities, Sebastian spoke on the changing Arctic captured and in support of Global Green USA.  Los Angeles über environmentalist and actor Ed Begley Jr., Billy Zane, Orlando Bloom, Peter Mensah, Veronica Ferres, Thomas Kretchsmann and LA’s Chief Sustainability Officer Matt Petersen were some of the many who showed up in support of the book’s launch.

Here Sebastian talks about perceptions on climate, his cousin Orlando and the new book.

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Billy Zane speaks eloquently about climate change perceptions and gives a nod:

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Peter Mensah shares nice words and why he cares:

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