New Book Release!
September 29, 2020 1:34am
Foreword by Leonardo DiCaprio
“A breathtaking glimpse of Antarctica.” – The Times of London.
NEW RELEASE: This fall, Rizzoli Books published Sebastian’s latest monogram. ANTARCTICA: Thee Waking Giant (2020) features never before seen photographs gathered during Sebastian’s Antarctica expeditions, both in the coastal and interior region of the least known continent on Earth. If the coast teems with life, both indigenous and migratory, the interior is a white desert where life has not existed for more than 30 million years.
Once you leave the coast, on the way to the interior, sheer mountain faces are progressively swallowed by the rising ice sheet. The last of the nunataks announce the end of the glacier and start of the plateau, extending for thousands of miles. With only ice and sky, the vistas are surprisingly diverse. While the plateau may seem like a monotonous blanket of white, “in the months that I spent there, I can honestly say that no two days have looked alike,” says Sebastian. “In this binary environment, which had never, until mine, seen a human footprint, it is the subtle variation of surface cover, or the way the sky paints the clouds or the wind shapes the ice that gives each day its own distinct identity.”
Thank you Leonardo DiCaprio for providing a beautifully worded foreword for this volume. Sebastian’s writing gives a detailed view of Antarctica’s historic to its scientific relevance, and its role in redefining global economies. The book, and all the expeditions it covers, is entirely carbon neutral thanks to Climate Partner©; while a portion of the profit will benefit the NGO Amazon Watch to protect the rainforest.
You can find ANTARCTICA: The Waking Giant anywhere fine books are sold, or visit here to find a retailer near you.
“From his Antarctic expeditions, we discover Copeland’s magnificent visual diary of astonishing imagery of the least explored places in the world!” – GQ Magazine
“A work of strident beauty illustrating humanity’s most urgent cause, climate change.” – Cocoeco Magazine